Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Max's fifth and sixth weeks

From Last Import
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Max is settling into life more now, therefore making for a happier mommy!  My mom was here last week and Aunt Carol and Uncle Mike came back also.  It was so wonderful to have extra hands with Max.  Who knew that an infant takes several adults (rather a village...) to raise!  

He's growing leaps and bounds and is on yet another new formula.  His stomach seemed to bothering him immensely and Mylicon wasn't helping.  We're staying on this one--he's much happier and sleeps better.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Max's fourth week

From Max's fourth week
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I'm not sure if I mentioned this before or not, but I'm calling motherhood wonderfully overwhelming!  Last week Max was sleeping horribly and I was getting little or no sleep. I called my mom and asked her to return. Thank goodness she's semi-retired!  She came back this Tuesday and is staying until next Thursday.  I take him at night and she lets me sleep in the mornings.  I feel so much better and more rested!  

Aunt Carol and Uncle Mike (mom's sister and brother-in-law) came in last week and shared in some Max time, which also allowed me to sleep some!  yah!  They are back this week to see mom and eat delicious New Haven pizza.  In-between their visits, Laura came!  I picked her up last Saturday in Hartford while Lou had Max in White Plains seeing his mom.  While I enjoyed my time away from him, I felt torn--I should want to be with him all the time?!  Ridiculous.  I still need me time and Lou and I need time together also.  So many mommies forgo and forget about themselves, which I can see is very easy.  It's hard, but I'm finding my way through!

Tuesday night is book club and I'm going without Max and not feeling guilty.  I didn't even read the book!  I just need time away!  Since Max is having problems sleeping and going back to sleep, I've invested in all kinds of books I devour in the wee hours of the morning.  

This is sounding a bit negative.  Don't get me wrong, I love being a mommy, but there's no time off or time to just sit and listen to the silence.  Max is an absolute joy and I'm so happy we decided it was time to have a baby.  He's starting to smile and is about to outgrow the newborn diapers!  He's already outgrown newborn clothes!  It's amazing how much he changes.  

Watching Lou with Max is such fun.  I knew he would be a great dad, but I didn't know how fabulous!  Max loves it when his daddy walks in the door (as do I!).  It's so fun to watch him bond with Max like no other.  I just didn't know how incredible it would be to watch other people with him and love him!

Thanks for all the well wishes and sleepy thoughts.  
Shelley (and Lou and Max)  

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Max's third week

From Recently Updated

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I will post pictures later. So, Max has been trying his parents patience since Thursday night. He hasn't been sleeping so great and cries when he's put down. We switched his formula to soy on Sunday, so we'll see how that goes. Last night Lou was nice enough to give me a break for 30 min. and took him in his screaming fit from 11-1. Lou's on call tonight, so that means no sleep for him at all!  He fell asleep on my chest and I moved him to our bed, where he slept like a champ!  If that's the solution, then so be it!  Maybe the crib and swing are scary places for the babe.  

I took Max to the pediatrician today to make sure nothing was wrong.  He's very healthy and weighs in at 9 lbs!!!  I'm feeling much better today.  Rachel and her family came over yesterday and I napped.  Today Tanya was nice enough to come over and relieve me for a bit.  Thank goodness for good friends!  

Aunt Carol and Uncle Mike are coming on Thurs. to help celebrate Passover and staying until Saturday.  Then, Laura comes!  Mom is coming Tuesday as Laura leaves.  I'm feeling much better with all this support coming in and just wonder how moms do this alone.  I know women have been having babies for thousands of years, but this is really hard!  Someone asked me if m 20 years of babysitting prepared me for motherhood, my answer was a resounding, "NO!"  

Nothing prepares you for motherhood.  I'm calling it wonderfully overwhelming.  There's this person who relies on you for everything.  No breaks, no time outs, nothing!  Then there's the hormones that are wack-o from being preggo.  Sometimes I'm just overwhelmed with emotions...mostly positive ones, but sometimes it's overwhelming!  

I love hearing everyone's suggestions and support.  It helps me get through the day and NIGHT!  Thanks!