Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lou earns his PhD!!!

Philly Summer 2009
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Max and I drove to Yardley, Pa. (near Philly) for a visit with Aunt Myra and Uncle Milko.  It was so fun to hang out and chat like a slumber party!  Lou took the train down to Baltimore to defend his dissertation on Tuesday (also his birthday).  He rocked it!!!  We met him at Aunt Carol and Uncle Michael's after coming back triumphant!  Max was very excited to see his daddy (as was I).  On Monday, Max and I visited my former school, Imani and he made his debut!  Of course he was a hit---how could be not be?  :)
Last night was awful.  My poor baby has a cold.  We confidently put him in his pack 'n play at 8 and he cried a bit.  I guess he wasn't ready to hit the hay!  I rescued him and gave him a bottle.  He then went to sleep with his thumb in his mouth.  About 10 when Lou and I were going to bed, Max woke up.  He's slept through the night for the past 5 weeks and I've been spoiled!!!  Poor Maxy couldn't breathe.  He kept trying to suck his thumb and breathe through his nose.  It was a miserable night for all of us!  Carol and I went out to get a bulb to aspirate him, saline nasal spray, and Vicks Vaporub.  Max woke up every hour and a half and both of us felt awful today (and max!)
Lou drove back while Max slept most of the way.  We're having him sleep in his swing tonight, since it's upright.  He just started crying from the congestion...Here's to hoping his first cold is SHORT!

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