Thursday, May 6, 2010


(R) Max had a photo session with Margot's dad, Tarsey. He really captured Max's funny faces!

Max threw his first tantrum yesterday. I was a bit shell shocked. My darling, adorable, cute baby started crying hysterically when I took the spoon that he was putting on his bare foot, then into his mouth away from him. I seriously was SPEECHLESS! I just asked him what he was doing. I did not give the spoon back to him. I did hide it though. It seemed like forever, but it was probably a few seconds and he stopped crying. He was finished eating, so we went outside and he was totally fine! Good-bye crocodile tears! He's been a bit moody lately (I so wonder where he gets that!?)... He's not walking or even cruising yet. I'm ok with that. We're moving next week and I don't really think I can handle much else going on! He wants to be held, held, held, then when he wants, he goes slack against my hip and slides down. Then up again. He has quite the vocabulary! He says mama, dada, ball, boon, egg, leaf (I haven't heard that one yet), yaya (his daycare provider), and various other ba, la, da, pa... We ask him where his nose is and he points to it! Of course, if we ask where anything else is, he points to his nose! Max holds the book correctly (Yah! CAP test for kindergartenders!) and will point to pictures in the book. He loves playing with his blocks, especially knocking down anything tall! He giggles every single time he knocks them down!

If I say, "Max, where's your ball. Bring me the ball, please?" He will find one of his many balls and bring it to me or at least show it to me. I am so delighted that he is where he is developmentally. Equally so I am glad that I can talk with my fellow mommy friends without feeling like we're competing (it's HARD!). We all recognize that our kids will hit milestones at different times and that's ok. Max did get teeth on April 30!!! Two of his bottom ones popped up! Maybe that's why he's been Mr. Moody? He's also down to one nap a day!

My bookclub book just came today, so I need to get reading. I'm almost out of boxes to pack. Is anyone reading this?

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