Sunday, June 6, 2010

oops...a month has passed

Max, Lou and I loved sitting in the grass at our old apt. It started last summer when Max and I would wait out there for Lou to come home. That was before. Before Max started moving like a maniac! I'm happy he crawls, pulls up, talks, and reacts; but sometimes I long for the days when he just wanted to be held or swaddled. I am in no way ready for another child, I just appreciate him when he was in baby blob mode more now that he's mobile!

Just today he started pointing to his ears, mouth, toes, belly, and shoes when we ask him where they are. He's already been pointing to his nose for a month or so, now he also says "NOOOOO..." (as in, nose).

Mom and Issi have been here a long stretch. I love it when there here because I can come home at lunch time and see them and Max! It's also wonderful to have help! I feel like I've been on vacation. Issi put up gates on the stairs for moving Max and mom mostly unpacked us! Thank goodness! I just didn't have the patience to unpack.

My job at school ends on Friday. I'm a bit sad, but feel very accomplished at helping my children become readers! The next week Max and I are off to Philadelphia for a visit, then the following week we'll be heading to Boulder, CO to see my brother, Daniel. Any and all advice for flying with a toddler is welcome! The last time we flew was in Feb. and he wasn't the major squirm he is now.

In July I'm teaching Summer School and it's my last month at New Haven Reads. I'm just going to work part-time in the fall unless a teaching job comes along, but I'm not making myself crazy over it.

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