Saturday, November 13, 2010

Fall fun

Here's photos from Max's professional photo shoots this fall. Molly of rocks!!!

It's been a busy few months in the Stein household. September was full of fun as I went back to the classroom full time. I'm teaching 3rd grade at an urban school in New Haven. I have a lively class with many challenges. I am happy to be back, but it's always a challenge finding a balance, which I'm not entirely sure is possible. I'm trying to work more at school and not bring home work at night, but this is not working out on the weekends so well.

Lou is on night float right now. It's awful. I feel awful for him. While I mostly always take Max to and fro through the day, it's especially hard for Max who doesn't understand why he's going days without seeing his daddy! At least I understand what's going on, although it doesn't make it any easier!

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