Sunday, January 16, 2011

TWO MONTHS-no oops

From video

From January 2011- snow

Well, we've been rather busy the last 2 months. Mom and Issi came to visit for Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful time (as always) and Issi made an amazing turkey. Max refused to eat it, though. Goof. December was a rough month in school, as the kids were anxiously awaiting Dec. break. Over winter break, cousins Anne and JD had a darling boy, Mose. He joins big sister, Tova (3) to their family in Philadelphia. Max and I went there for the bris. Max and Mose will have a unique cousin bond (me thinks) because they share the same hebrew name and are both named for Grandpa Abie! Mom and Issi returned with us to CT for a few days and we loved having them here for our anniversary! Lou surprised me and we went to an awesome French Rest. in Branford. Yum!

January was fine the first week back to school, then the students seem to have cabin fever. I'm a bit frustrated at this time with my class.

Max is doing great at his new "school" and we're very happy there. Over winter break, while we were in Philadelphia (where it also snowed), it snowed 11". Then, last week we got slammed with 29" of snow and we were out of school for TWO days (unheard of)! Max keeps saying, "snow, COLD!" Yes, Max, snow is cold. Sometimes he wants to walk in it and other times it's just, "up, up, up!"

He continues to add to his vocabulary. His walking has improved greatly and he now runs and kicks. Max continues to THROW things that he shouldn't and we're working on that. He's so fun to hang out with and continues to make funny faces. His latest look are his big eyes wide open with his hand over his mouth that's formed in an O.

I'm not apologizing for not posting. I'm busy. Teaching full-time, Mommying full-time, and running our household have me running around like a chicken with her head cut off. It's just too much. I am not superwoman. MERCY!!!! (remember that game?)

Until next time (next year?)

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